The Quads of Pain Field Guide Wiki

Wolf Republic of Japan (WRJ)[]

The WRJ is a small-geting-big government. The WRJ wants to end North  Korea's attack plans on the US, and also removing the Space Program 2.0

The Wolf Republic of Japan is actually led by a Russian timber wolf named General Yuri Frost, who is a stubborn, tough quad.

WRJ actually used the Space Program 2.0 to launch a satellite to the moon. 

During The Time of space laser, the WRJ spyed on the eco-terrorists as they destroyed the Vortex

Why Space Program 2.0 is bad[]

As you know, the space program 2.0 lets quads build their own ships to any size they want. This is a problem, because the eco-terrorists will want to get bigger. They have done this before, so the WRJ wants to stick with origional space vehicles.
